Fun times and goodbyes at Cap Ternay
Today was a mixture of emotions as the following 5 week volunteers departed: Yvonne P, Edvan, Rachel, Olivier, Drew and Emilie. Many friendships have been made in the last 5 weeks and with promises to keep in touch they were driven off to Beau Vallon and Victoria where they will spend a night or two before catching planes back to Singapore, France, The Netherlands, UK and Alaska.
During week 5 we all enjoyed fun dives at the wonderful site known as The Lighthouse. It was strange to dive again without quads, slates and pencils. Sharks were spotted but were too fast for the budding underwater photographers, the golden spade fish however seemed to enjoy the attention as much as Kevin enjoyed watching them.Many of us staying for 10 weeks reflected upon the last 5 weeks, what we have all experienced and learnt about marine conservation and corals, which in such a short time has amounted to alot!
The new 5 week volunteers who arrived at Cap Ternay today are just starting their journey of discovery and wonder whilst we are half way through ours.
Richard, Sarah and Brigitte will be busy this weekend with orientations, base tours, presentations, refresh dives and off course the ultimate first glimpse of Bay Ternay .............