Monday, September 27, 2010

Clean Up the World Day

As part of the worldwide initiative ‘World Clean up day’ GVI Seychelles staff and their partners Seychelles National Parks Authority combined forces to clean up North West Mahe and Curieuse island. Many of the secluded beaches and trails around these areas receive a large number of tourists and unfortunately there is often a great deal of litter left behind. GVI and SNPA spent the morning cleaning up some of this litter so that the natural beauty of these beaches was restored. The litter not only hampers the beauty of these places, it is also dangerous to local wildlife. It can damage their habitat and some animals can mistake litter for food, this consumption can be very harmful.

Our most recent group of volunteers also built a new rubbish bin to encourage those that visit the Baie Ternay marine park to dispose of their litter properly. This will be placed down at the entrance to the Baie and we hope to see less litter on the beach there in future. Once all the cleaning was finished everyone met back at Cap Ternay base for a big Creole barbeque. A well earned treat for everyone!!
