Monday, September 6, 2010

Home Improvements

The GVI staff and expedition members have recently been getting stuck into making some improvements to the already lovely Cap Ternay base. One of the projects has been to improve and decorate our current vegetable garden. Earlier this year our volunteers re-fenced and dug out the existing vegetable garden (which had overgrown and was disused). This phase it was our mission to plant as many vegetables and herbs as possible in an attempt to supplement the fruit and vegetables we buy locally. We now have thriving tomato, chilli and rocket lettuce plants. We also have a large array of herbs including; basil, sage, parsley, thyme, chives and many more. Last week volunteers planted courgettes, French beans and pumpkin so we should hopefully see the fruits of our labour in the next few months! There are also several budding artists amongst us and the fence of the garden has taken on an underwater theme.

Vegetables growing in the garden (above) while the staff and volunteers give the kitchen a bit of a face lift (below).

The artists amongst us have also been to work in our kitchen/recreation area. It was decided that the drab white walls needed some colour injecting into them. So a small team got together and decided on a few ways to brighten up the place. They have started with two huge portholes on one side of the kitchen, so now whilst we are eating dinner we can look ‘through’ them and imagine we are on a sandy beach or out at sea. The science information board has also undergone some changes and the board now sports a GVI logo and the Seychelles flag to represent who we are; GVI Seychelles. There are plans afoot to continue these decorations and also paint a map onto the wall of the local area with all the dive sites marked. That way, when we are listening to briefing and are told where we are going to dive the next day we can have a look at where we are going!! A big thank you has to be given to all those that have spent time working on these projects and we look forward to updating you all soon on our vegetable harvesting!
