05/03/11 Terrestrial Times
Yet another beautiful week on Curieuse. The new boys are in the swing of things and are pretty much pros. Paul has mastered the art of making a perfect cup of tea, which is a crucial part of the post surveying debrief. Coco de Mers are becoming increasingly difficult with the ridiculous heat but we are all enjoying the challenge. Turtle walks are as stunning as ever; as the nesting season is coming to a close tracks are few, but this means that the hatchings are starting to make appearances, which is very exciting.
Just because we don’t do enough exercise on Curieuse already(!) the boys have decided to build a gym - which has in fact been very popular at 5:30am! Waking up camp at 5:30am to pump some iron hasn’t proven to be that popular! We have very considerate camp members though, so it has not been too much of an issue.
The end of our time here is looming but the sunshine, turtles, mangroves and Coco de Mers are keeping us busy enough to suppress this sad thought! Looking forward to the remaining weeks!
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